



NFLにまつわる名言集です。今回は現役のヘッドコーチたちから、コメントを集めてみました。以前作った名言集には入れられなかったコーチたちですが、やはり「名言」はありました! 英語らしい言い回しに触れてみてください。




ブルース・エリアンズ(バッカニアーズHC 2019~)

"At 30 I thought I knew everything, and 30 years later I didn't know anything." -Bruce Arians*1


"There's not one moment from my journey that I'd want to change. Everything happens for a reason." -Bruce Arians*2


“You can die at any moment doing anything. I mean, so why not do what you love to do. If I die on game day, have a drink. Celebrate.”-Bruce Arians*3


"When you get in coaching, you realize there are only two kinds of coaches - those that are fired and those who are going to get fired."-Bruce Arians*4



マット・ラフルア(パッカーズHC 2019~)

“This league, you better take every game like you’re playing the world champion. If you don’t, this is a humbling league that will put you down in a hurry.  Every game is important."-Matt LaFleur*5


“Football is not easy. You need to navigate through adversity. I think you can find out a lot about people in times of adversity."-Matt LaFleur*6



“There’s no doubt that you can always do better. And, it starts with me."-Matt LaFleur*7



ショーン・マクダーモット(ビルズHC 2017~)

"I'm probably not one of the more vocal people around, but I do watch, I do listen and I try to learn from the people I watch."-Sean McDermott*8


”The greatest compliment a coach can get from another coach around the league is, 'Hey, your guys play hard. They're tough.'-Sean McDermott*9


ダン・クィン(ファルコンズHC 2015~)

"It's that preparation that goes into each week. We have a term: 'Trust your training, trust your teammate, and trust yourself.'"-Dann Quinn*10


"Part of what we talk about is, toughness is a talent."-Dann Quinn*11



ダグ・ピーダーソン(イーグルスHC 2016~)

"I tell the players all the time: ‘There is no magic play.' Players make the plays."-Doug Pederson*12


“…I said a couple of words to the team before we went about our day. Then I closed by saying, ‘We will win this game.’ I had been saying that to the team every day since the postseason began. It wasn’t, ‘We will do everything we can to win this game.’ It was, ‘We will win this game.’ I thought if I said it enough, we would believe it.”-Doug Pederson*13



「Fearless: How an Underdog Becomes a Champion」の一節のようです。



マイク・マッカーシー(カウボーイズHC 2020~)

"The reality is, if you're going to have a defeat on the road, Week 1 is probably the best time to have it."- Mike McCarthy*14



“You build a program; culture is what makes it go. You have to invest in that culture every single day, and that's my big-picture focus.”- Mike McCarthy*15


ロン・リベラ(ワシントン・フットボールチームHC 2020~)

"We need 11 guys doing one thing at a time, not one guy trying to do all 11."-Ron Rivera*16



"Don't draw me a map unless you've been there."-Ron Rivera*17















NFL 2020 カラー写真名鑑 (B.B.MOOK1500)

NFL 2020 カラー写真名鑑 (B.B.MOOK1500)

  • 発売日: 2020/08/31
  • メディア: ムック
