ラフィング・ザ・パサーは「Rule12 Player Conduct」の「SECTION2 PERSONAL FOULS」の「ARTICLE 11」に記載されています。つまり、プレーヤーのとる行動のうち、何が反則なのかを定めたルールの第2節に記載のある「パーソナルファウル」のなかの1つ、ということです。さっそく見ていきましょう。
11条 ラフィング・ザ・パサー
Because the act of passing often puts the quarterback (or any other player attempting a pass) in a position where he is particularly vulnerable to injury, special rules against roughing the passer apply. The Referee has principal responsibility for enforcing these rules. Any physical acts against a player who is in a passing posture (i.e. before, during, or after a pass) which, in the Referee’s judgment, are unwarranted by the circumstances of the play will be called as fouls. The Referee will be guided by the following principles:
vulnerable 傷つきやすい、脆弱な
Referee レフェリー
principal 主な、第一の
enforce ルールを実施する、施行する
posture 姿勢、ポーズ
i.e. すなわち、言い換えれば
unwarranted 正当と認められていない
principle 原則
(a) Roughing will be called if, in the Referee’s judgment, a pass rusher clearly should have known that the ball had already left the passer’s hand before contact was made; pass rushers are responsible for being aware of the position of the ball in passing situations; the Referee will use the release of the ball from the passer’s hand as his guideline that the passer is now fully protected;
be aware of 認識している
once a pass has been released by a passer, a rushing defender may make direct contact with the passer only up through the rusher’s first step after such release (prior to second step hitting the ground); thereafter the rusher must be making an attempt to avoid contact and must not continue to “drive through”or otherwise forcibly contact the passer; incidental or inadvertent contact by a player who is easing up or being blocked into the passer will not be considered significant.
thereafter その後は、それから先は
attempt 試み
make an attempt 試みる
forcibly 力づくで、強制的に
incidental 偶然の、偶発的な
inadvertent 不注意の、偶然の
ease up 緩める、和らげる
※ルールブック原文の“drive through”については、意味が分かりませんでした。ルール内で“drive through”の用語はここにしか登場せず、用語の定義は特にありません。ネットでの検索でもうまく解説を見つけられませんでした。おそらく、「QBがパスを投げたらディフェンダーはラッシュをやめなければならず、地面に2歩目が着いた以上はそのままタックルしてはいけない」「そのまま止まるのが基本だが、QBへのコンタクトを避けるためなら通り過ぎる(=ドライブスルー)のは認められる」ということだと思います。この部分のポイントとしては「レイトヒットはNG」「その基準はパスを投げてから2歩目以降」「パスを投げたタイミングが分からなかった、は言い訳にならない」ということでよいかと思います。
(b) A rushing defender is prohibited from committing such intimidating and punishing acts as “stuffing” a passer into the ground or unnecessarily wrestling or driving him down after the passer has thrown the ball, even if the rusher makes his initial contact with the passer within the one-step limitation provided for in (a) above. When tackling a passer who is in a defenseless posture (e.g., during or just after throwing a pass), a defensive player must not unnecessarily or violently throw him down or land on top of him with all or most of the defender’s weight. Instead, the defensive player must strive to wrap up the passer with the defensive player’s arms and not land on the passer with all or most of his body weight.
intimidating 威嚇する
punishing 罰する、強打する
stuff 詰め込む、ブチ込む
e.g. (文書で)例えば
strive 努力する
wrap up 包む
(c) In covering the passer position, Referees will be particularly alert to fouls in which defenders impermissibly use the helmet and/or facemask to hit the passer, or use hands, arms, or other parts of the body to hit the passer forcibly in the head or neck area (see also the other unnecessary roughness rules covering these subjects). A defensive player must not use his helmet against a passer who is in a defenseless posture—for example,
impermissibly 許されないように
※通常は「helmet(頭部を覆う部分)」「face mask(顔を守る格子状の部分)」のそれぞれ一語で全体を指すことが多いと思いますが、ルールでは曖昧さをなくすために「helmet and/or facemask」という書き方をしているものと思います。
(1) forcibly hitting the passer’s head or neck area with the helmet or facemask, even if the initial contact of the defender’s helmet or facemask is lower than the passer’s neck, and regardless of whether the defensive player also uses his arms to tackle the passer by encircling or grasping him; or
regardless of ~に関わらず
encircle 取り囲む
grasp つかむ
(2)lowering the head and making forcible contact with any part of the helmet against any part of the passer’s body. This rule does not prohibit incidental contact by the mask or the helmet in the course of a conventional tackle on a passer.
conventional 伝統的な、慣習的な
(d)A rushing defender is prohibited from forcibly hitting in the knee area or below a passer who has one or both feet on the ground, even if the initial contact is above the knee. It is not a foul if the defender is blocked (or fouled) into the passer and has no opportunity to avoid him.
1.A defender cannot initiate a roll or lunge and forcibly hit the passer in the knee area or below, even if he is being contacted by another player.
roll 転がる
lunge 突進する
注1 たとえ他の選手の接触があった場合でも、ディフェンスの選手は転がるか突進するかしてパサーのヒザまたはヒザより下の部分を強烈にヒットしてはいけない。
2.It is not a foul if the defender swipes or grabs a passer in the knee area or below in an attempt to tackle him, provided he does not make forcible contact with the helmet, shoulder, chest, or forearm.
swipe 強打する、思いっきり打つ
provided もし~ならば、~という条件で
forearm 前腕(ひじから手首まで)
注2 もしディフェンダーがヘルメット、肩、胸、前腕を使って強烈な接触をするのでなければ、ディフェンダーがパサーのヒザまたはヒザより下の部分をタックルしようとして強く打ったりつかんだりするのはファウルではない。
(e)A passer who is standing still or fading backward after the ball has left his hand is obviously out of the play and must not be unnecessarily contacted by an opponent through the end of the down or until the passer becomes a blocker, or a runner, or, in the event of a change of possession during the down, until he assumes a distinctly defensive position. However, at any time after the change of possession, it is a foul if:
fade backward 後退する
distinctly はっきりした
(1)an opponent forcibly hits the quarterback’s head or neck area with his helmet, facemask, forearm, or shoulder
(2)if an opponent lowers his head and makes forcible contact with any part of his helmet against any part of the passer’s body. This provision does not prohibit incidental contact by the mask or the helmet in the course of a conventional block.
provision 規定、条項
(f)When the passer goes outside the pocket area and either continues moving with the ball (without attempting to advance the ball as a runner) or throws while on the run, he loses the protection of the one-step rule provided for in (a) above, and the protection against a low hit provided for in (d) above, but he remains covered by all the other special protections afforded to a passer in the pocket (b, c, and e), as well as the regular unnecessary roughness rules applicable to all player positions. If the passer stops behind the line and clearly establishes a passing posture, he will then be covered by all of the special protections for passers.
(g)The Referee must blow the play dead as soon as the passer is clearly in the grasp and control of any tackler behind the line, and the passer’s safety is in jeopardy.
jeopardy 危険
Note: A player who initiates contact against a passer is responsible for avoiding an illegal act. This includes illegal contact that may occur during the process of attempting to dislodge the ball. A standard of strict liability applies for any contact against a passer, irrespective of any acts by the passer, such as ducking his head or curling up his body in anticipation of contact.
dislodge 移動させる、取り除く
irrespective of ~に関係なく
Penalty: For Roughing the Passer: Loss of 15 yards and an automatic first down; disqualification, if flagrant.
disqualification 失格
flagrant 目に余る、極悪の
(1)When in doubt about a roughness call or potentially dangerous tactic against the passer, the Referee should always call roughing the passer.
(2)See 8-6-1-Exc.c–d for personal fouls prior to completion or interception.
tactic 戦術上の
(1) ラフプレーの指示や危険な戦術が疑われる場合には必ず、レフェリーはラフィング・ザ・パサーをコールしなければならない。