デッカーはペイトリオッツで輝けるでしょうか? キャンプでの囲み取材のトランスクリプト(書き起こし)で、デッカーのコメントを見てみましょう。
Q: This is the first time we get to talk to you. How excited are you to be a New England Patriot?
ED: Very excited. You know, this is quite an opportunity. It's a place really all offseason that I would have loved to end up and I'm kind of happy it worked out the way it did.
Q: What have these last couple days been like for you trying to learn the system and meet the guys?
ED: Yeah, I mean it's a period of acclimation. I've got so much respect for everyone on this team, everyone in this organization, so getting to know everybody on a personal standpoint. Try to be a good teammate, learn names, know where I'm going around the facilities. The biggest thing is just getting the playbook, studying - I've been doing a lot of that the last couple days and just trying to catch up with everybody.
Q: After being a Jet and a Bronco, what's it like seeing the inner workings of the Patriots?
ED: Well, they do it the right way. There's no question why they consistently win, why they're consistently on top. Just the way they work. Every detail, everybody throughout the building does their job to the best. It's quite fascinating to be a part of it and just trying to fit in.
Q: Is there any similarity with what they're doing here on offense compared to back what you did with Josh McDaniels in Denver in 2010?
ED: There is. You know, there's obviously things that change over time but there's some carry-over that I was able to take and quickly learn. And then there's a lot of new stuff too that, you know, I got to kind of catch up on and get ready to go.
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